Our experience
Our public speaking journey is just starting out so we’re excited to share what we’ve been getting up to over the last few years.
Following the @everyonesinvited movement in 2021, We spoke to sixth form students at St Paul’s Girls’ School on rape culture. We led three days of workshops at Westminster School with year 10 pupils on misogyny and sexism and spoke to years 9, 10 and 11 at Fulham School about gender, feminism and navigating university. The feedback was immensely positive from both students and teachers, with many feeling that this was the first time conversations about gender dynamics were being broached in an accessible and relatable way.
In 2022, we continued delivering sessions around topics of gender and misogyny whilst leading workshops on the topic of friendships and boundaries. We gave talks on anti-racism and allyship and devised three new unique sessions - one of which focuses specifically on masculinity. All of our talks are made on demand and reflect schools’ developing needs.
We have recently begun leading talks at businesses and organisations, offering perspectives on professionalism, workplace diversity and theories on progress. In 2022 we led our first workshop with Trinity McQueen as part of their Social Values project.
We have spoken on and hosted social justice panels across the last few years. In 2021, our founder, Amber, was a guest speaker with The Global Awareness Movement alongisde Dr Leyla Hussein (founder of the Dahlia Project). Amber hosted a Decolonise panel in 2020, chairing speakers from The Black Curriculum, Dark Hues Zine and the BSSUN. She has also interviewed anti-FGM acitivist Rugiatu Neneh Turay, medical activists Dr Osamwonyi and Dr Naganathan and appeared in RelaxandBake FM’s episode on anti-racism.